About the series

The talk scheduled for February 4, 2025 has been cancelled by NASA Langley management.

Colloquium Logo

The Colloquium Lectures at NASA Langley provide lectures and demonstrations related to science and technology. These lectures are intended to stimulate the creative processes of Langley employees, and enhance the quality of life at Langley by providing more opportunities for learning. These lectures typically begin at 2pm on a first Tuesday of each month. They are open only to NASA employees, NASA contractors, and other invited guests. For the first 52 years, the lectures were held monthly. Beginning in 2023 the frequency was reduced.

The Sigma Series Lectures, presented at the Virginia Air and Space Science Center in downtown Hampton, provide to the general public this same opportunity for exposure to interesting technical topics. These lectures, however, are usually at a somewhat less detailed level, because the audience may consist of people with non-technical backgrounds in addition to local high school and college students. They typically begin at 730pm. 

The guests and topics for both the Colloquium and Sigma Series Lectures are selected by a committee of NASA Langley employees representing the different technical organizations at the Center. If you have a suggestion for a future lecture topic, please contact the committee.

If you would like to receive e-mail notifications about upcoming Sigma lectures, please send a message to sigma-series-subscribe@lists.nasa.gov and follow the confirmation instructions you’ll receive.

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