Colloquium Lectures: 2020s

Note: videos are accessible only within the NASA Langley Research Center firewall.


October 30, 2024. True or False? 94% of Traffic Crashes Are Due to Human Error — and Why it Matters by the Honorable Jennifer Homendy, Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board.

August 6, 2024. Chemical Imaging Spectroscopy of Old Master Paintings by John K. Delaney


July 11, 2023. The NASA Flight Dynamics Research Facility: Twenty-Five Years in the Making by Charles M. (Mike) Fremaux.  (Colloquium) (Sigma)

May 2, 2023. Hubble, JWST, and How to Build a Great Observatory in Space (Colloquium) and Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope: A Tale of Two Observatories in Space (Sigma) by John Mace Grunsfeld


January 11, 2021.  The Search for Planet X by Scott Sheppard (video)

February 1, 2022. Offshore Wind and Hampton Roads: Opportunities for Leadership and Innovation, by Jerry Cronin & Matt Smith (video)

March 1, 2022. The future of working from home: what it means for jobs and real estate by Jeff Bloom (video)

April 26, 2022. Sustainable Aviation: Building a world that works for the future of flight by David Ostdiek, Roman Seele, and Sean Binion (video)

May 3, 2022. Why People Overrate their Competence and Performance  and Why Ignorance Fails to Recognize Itself by Professor David Dunning (video)

June 2022. No talks.

July 19, 2022. 50th Anniversary Retrospective and Celebration (video)

August 2022. No talks.

September 14, 2022. Optoelectronic oscillators in the single photon regime by Rajarshi Roy (video)

October 4, 2022. Breaking the Sound Barrier: Achieving Quiet Supersonic Flight Over Land by Peter Coen (video)

November 15, 2022. The Brain at Work, Play, and in Everyday Life by Frédéric Dehais, Stephen Fairclough, John Muñoz, Alan T. Pope, and Chad L. Stephens (video)

No December lecture.


January 19, 2021. From Swine Lagoons to Space and Back Again by Bill Cumbie (video)

March 2, 2021. Colloquium: Making everything computational—including the fundamental theory of physics by Stephen Wolfram (video) Sigma Series: Have we found the machine code for the universe? by Stephen Wolfram

April 6, 2021. Why are Honey Bees Dying? by Dennis vanEngelsdorp (video)

May 4, 2021. Reproducibility in Scientific Research by Monya Baker (video)

June 8, 2021. Stopping the COVID Pandemic by Dr. Paul Offit (video)

July 13, 2021. On Task: How Our Brain Gets Things Done by David Badre (video)

August 3, 2021. Colloquium: Overlooking Subtractive Solutions to Design Problems by Gabrielle Adams (video) and Sigma Series: Problem Solving: Why We Only Consider Adding Instead of Subtracting by Gabrielle Adams

September 21, 2021. The Human Gut Microbiome: Implications for Health on Earth and in Space by Amina R. Zeidan (video)

October 5, 2021. Earth on Fire: Connections Between Fire, Weather and Climate by Amber J. Soja (video)

November 9, 2021. Design that Lasts: Sustainable Design Thinking for Positive Change in the Worldby Jonathan Chapman (video)

December 7, 2021. The Mayflower Autonomous Ship by Eric Aquaronne annd Victor Brown (video)


January 7, 2020. Array Computing and the Evolution of Machine Learning by Travis Oliphant (video within Langley firewall only.) (Sigma: Ensuring Open Source Thrives in a Global Economy)

February 4, 2020. Climate and Security in the Age of Great Global Disruption by Sherri Goodman (video within Langley firewall only.)

March 3, 2020. Adventures in Self-Driving Car Safety by Prof. Phil Koopman (video within Langley firewall only)

Lectures were not held from April – November 2020 because of the COVID-19 crisis. Lectures resumed virtually in December 2020.

December 8, 2020. Take-off and Landing: It is Important by Frank Quinto. (50th anniversary of the 14×22 wind tunnel)